About Kavinraj Subramanian

My Story

First thing first. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to you for taking a step to check out my profile, investing in the most valuable asset on earth, TIME. No beating around the bush, I would sincerely put all my efforts to provide you the valuable guidance and support required for you in preparing yourself to be ready to handle all the abundance that is coming your way. 

Hi I’m Kavinraj Subramanian and I strongly believe that my life on earth and my existence means I have a purpose to fulfill. 

“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here”. I really admire how Steve Jobs has put this straight hitting in the bull’s eye. How am I going to put that dent? I’m on that track to create a positive impact in the lives of 10Lakh people and help them achieve abundance and live a happy life. How am I going to pull this humongous task? That is what you are going to witness in the upcoming days. The tool I’m going to use for that is “Quantum Lifestyle for Success”. 

Just a brief introduction about me, I was just a normal kid like any kid on earth. What made me special was my upbringing. During my early childhood, I was brought up at my maternal grand parents home who lived by certain values. What problem may come, they were strong and composed. I was gifted to grow and experience the life of farming and cattle breeding. Book reading habits were instilled in me in such earlier stage by my maternal grandfather. Thanks to him. 

Growing up, I always admired my father for being so supportive and helpful for those in need and truly deserving. He has had many sleepless nights and stayed hungry, but never let a student’s family financial situation a reason for the student to drop his education. He still keeps up to his values. He is a committed teacher who by any means keeps up his promise by creating successful students. A teacher who is genuinely service focused. Though he did not have time to spend with us, he has created a great value system and a gave a compassionate environment for us. 

My college life is what has given me the utmost experiences of my life that have completely transformed me into a new being. I have been through all types of transformational methods I get to know about. Thanks to all of my friends. Their continuous feedback motivated me to go further on a few things and abandon a few. I’m not a fan of memorizing and reproducing and I strongly believe in the American Entrepreneur Jim Rohn’s quote “Formal education makes you a living; self-education will make you a fortune”.

I started my entrepreneurial journey right there. I was coaching, marketing, advertising, running a internet cafe along with a stationery shop near my college which was generating a decent cash flow way more than I required. I was running this with a few other friends. Hence had to shut it down after we graduated. Among all these, the coaching experience is what I loved deep down from my heart. I keep doing that through referrals.

After my graduation, though I joined an IT Profession for personal reasons, I kept my learning and coaching through referrals. And my experience also grew greatly as I met different people from different culture. Now here I’m taking another form to coach people to attain success. Here, I would like to thank you again for knowing about me. I will make all the possible attempts to establish a deep virtual connection with you and transform you an even better version of you. Thank you!

What I Do

Everyone has a dream to pursue their passion. I’m proud that I’m into doing things that excite me and makes me to do more and I’m able to solve a problem and make people happy.  

I Coach.

I frequently get opportunities to coach where people realize their inner potential and get clarity on their goals to succeed and purpose of their life. 

I Speak.

I love speaking rather than talking. Any interaction should benefit the receiver. Love to have a transformational experience?

I Write.

Writing is what keeps me connected with my thoughts and feelings. That is the magic of writing. It still has plenty to offer.

What Can I Do for You?

What you are seeing outside is what I’m inside. I speak my heart out. But what’s in it for you? How can I be of any help to you?

I’m a public speaker.

If you are a business owner and want to have an external holistic view and understand the pain areas? Is “How to motivate the workers/employees?” is your worry? I can be of help to you there in getting your workforce back to work with multiplied energy levels. 

Want to help your child decide on his/her future goals and not sure where to start? I have a system in place to get clarity on the goals. 

I’ve worked with all age groups and from all walks of life. 

Irrespective of what you are and where you are from and which age group you belong to, there is no limit for a new learning and transforming to get ultimate success. I have worked from school students to much elderly people. They are able to transform and lead a happy and successful life with abundance. If so many people can, you too can. 

I can help you to get clear on your goals and have the right mindset to achieve success.

Are you undergoing great turbulence in life? Repeated failures? I can help you to find out the problem and be of support to you till you are back on track to success. 

Need Advice?

It would be a great pleasure given a chance to work with you. Every new day is a new learning. Every single person carries abundance of learning for the other. So feel free to drop a message.